1. Definitions
1.1.Unless the context otherwise requires the following words shall have the following meanings:
“Application Fee” is a one-off non-refundable payment made at the time of application.
“Calendar” refers to the School’s term times and holidays for the relevant academic year and is published on the School’s website.
“Deposit” a refundable deposit held in accordance with clauses 4.3 to 4.7.
“Spark Fund Fee” a non-refundable development fee that assists in the improvement and development of the School’s facilities and programmes.
“Extras” include items reasonably incurred by a Student or by the School on behalf of a Student and for these purposes a Student is the agent of the Parents and shall include but are not limited to items listed in clause 5.14.
“Fees” means the fees payable for the Student’s place at the School at the rate which is set annually and is current at the start of each Term together with any Extras. From 1 January 2025, all education services provided by a private school will be subject to VAT at the standard rate of 20%.
“Parents” means any one or more of the persons referred to in the Acceptance Form as parent (including step-parents and guardians) who have legal and financial responsibility for the student.
“Published Information” includes the prospectus, all School forms, documents and promotional materials, including that found on the School’s website and official social media sites (eg Facebook, Twitter)
“School” means Dwight School London as now or in the future constituted and/or the Head of School (or ‘Head’) and/or those to whom any of the duties or functions of the Head have been delegated.
“Student” means the Student named in the Acceptance Form.
“Term’’ means each of the three terms in the School Year; Autumn, Spring and Summer. The duration of a term in each School Year is determined by the Head. The School Year is deemed to start on 1st September.
2. Entry to the School
2.1. The offer of a place will normally be set out in a Letter of Offer sent electronically via the School’s online admissions system to the Parents.
2.2. The Parents will be provided with a prescribed Acceptance Form when they receive the offer letter which they must sign and return to the School via the School’s online admissions system together with the Deposit and this shall constitute their acceptance of the place at the School. This creates a formal contract between the Parents and the School.
2.3. The contract is made on the basis of these terms and conditions alone which may be varied from time to time in accordance with clause 15.3.
2.4. In entering this agreement the Parents consider it to be both necessary and of benefit to the Student to attend the School.
2.5. This agreement continues for the duration of the Student’s enrolment in the school and until the final day of enrolment, unless earlier terminated in accordance with these terms and conditions, or for as long as there are outstanding matters to be resolved.
3. School Rules and Discipline
3.1. The Parents and the Student will at all times comply with all rules, regulations and customs in relation to the organisation, management and discipline of the Student and School as set out in the School’s Behaviour Policy or other policies published on the website and as amended from time to time.
3.2. The Parents and Students are responsible for making themselves familiar with such policies at all times and the Parents shall be deemed to have full knowledge thereof.
3.3. The School is responsible for the care and good discipline of the Students and for all matters affecting the day to day running of the School including exclusion, suspension or expulsion of a Student. The School's decision is final and the Parents and the Student will accept the authority of the School at all times.
4. Application Fees, Deposit and Spark Fund Fee
4.1. The Application Fee is payable at the time the Parents submit the signed Application Form. It is non-refundable and does not guarantee the offer of admission.
4.2. The Deposit is retained by the School for the duration of the Student’s enrolment. The School has the right to apply Deposits in the discharge of such sums as may be due to the School relating to the Student during their enrolment and / or any unpaid account of Students within the same immediate family.
4.3. Any Deposit left over at the end of the Student’s enrolment may be reclaimed by the Parents by writing to the School (via the Admissions Office) requesting a refund. This must be done within 12 months of the Student’s last day at the School, or the Deposit is forfeited.
4.4. The Deposit will not accrue interest and will not be refunded due to absence of the Student through sickness or any other cause except the failure of a Student to satisfy the School’s entry requirements.
4.5. The School reserves the right to retain the Deposit if the Student is enrolled for less than one academic year, unless this has been declared and agreed by the School at the time of application.
4.6. The School reserves the right to deduct from the Deposit any outstanding charges made for lost or damaged school materials or property.
4.7. The Deposit will only be refunded when any statutory documents or information required by the school have been provided. Student VISA students must provide evidence of departure from the UK to be eligible for a Deposit refund.
4.8. For students attending the school with a Student visa issued on the basis of a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) issued by Dwight School, the School shall retain the deposit if the student leaves before the expiration/renewal of the CAS.
4.9 The Spark Fund Fee may be spent by the School as the School in its absolute discretion considers relevant and appropriate and is non-refundable.
5. Fees and Extras
5.1. Full payment of Fees in cleared funds are due and payable on:
5.1.1. 1st July for Term 1
5.1.2. 1st December for Term 2
5.1.3 1st March for Term 3
5.1.4 For students who are enrolled on the basis of a Student visa and a CAS issued by Dwight School, the full year’s fees are payable at the term of entry and must be paid in advance every year thereafter as long as the student remains on the Student visa.
5.2. If the Student’s Fees have not been paid by the due dates (5.1.1-5.1.3), the School will send a written reminder that payment is overdue to the Parents. If the outstanding Fees are not paid within [15] days of the date of that reminder, then the School reserves the right to re-allocate the Students place to the next suitable applicant at any time and to un-enrol the Student who will then no longer be entitled to attend the School. The Deposit will be retained in lieu of written notice of withdrawal.
5.3. If the Fees have not been paid in full by the start of Term, and the School has not yet exercised its rights under 5.2 above, then the School may then or later exclude the Student from the School until payment has been received in full. For the avoidance of doubt, if the School chooses to delay the exercise of their rights under 5.2, this does not prevent the School from exercising those rights at a later date.
5.4. Extras and any loss or expense suffered by the School due to the act or omission of the Student will be invoiced either as they arise or at the end of the Term when incurred and must be paid within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
5.5. The liability to pay the Fees is the joint and several liability of each of the Parents, the Student and/or any person who has from time to time paid or guaranteed payment of the Fees in respect of the Student whether as principal, agent or trustee and/or every person having legal or de facto parental responsibility for the Student and who has acquiesced (other than solely as supervising adult) in returning the Student to the School.
5.6. The School may withhold information, including references, while Fees remain overdue.
5.7. The School has the right to exercise a lien over any property of the Student at School premises at any time when there are unpaid Fees and the School will be entitled to dispose of or sell such property privately or by auction after 21 days from the date when the School posts to anyone Parent by Recorded Delivery at the last known address a notice of their intention to sell.
5.8. For information on the option to pay Fees by instalment, please consult the Fees page on the School’s website.
5.9. For information on payment of annual tuition and Fees in advance, please contact the Finance Office.
5.10. Any scholarships, bursaries and any ex gratia awards or allowances which have been made may be withdrawn by the School at any time if in the opinion of the School the aims and objectives of the scholarship or bursary are not being met and the School further reserves the right to require repayment in full from the Parents in the event of the Student being withdrawn with or without notice or removed from the School before the end of their enrolment.
5.11. Any bursaries granted are subject to annual review by the School.
5.12. All Fees, including Extras and incidental fees, will not be reimbursed for any absence of the Student through sickness or any other reason, except in cases of genuine hardship and only when approved by the Head. (Examples include, but are not limited to, lunch, home-to-school bus service, EAL, Quest, mother tongue or some IB Language A or IB Language B classes, private music lessons, after-school clubs , some extra-curricular activities, or some optional or compulsory trips.) In particular no claim shall arise for a refund of fees if for any reason a Term is shortened or a vacation extended at the Schools discretion or if the School is closed for reasons outside of its control.
5.13. The School reserves the right of appropriation of all payments that are made on behalf of Students belonging to the same immediate family.
5.14. The Fees do not include the cost of the following activities or services and additional charges shall be raised for each which the Parents or other fee payer shall be liable to pay within 30 days of such additional charge being raised (unless otherwise notified to the Parents) or they shall be added to the invoice for the Fees for the Term in which those costs are incurred:
5.14.1. examinations or other certificates (including but not limited to IB Middle Years Programme Certificate and International Baccalaureate Diploma or other certificate examinations);
5.14.2. costs associated with re-marking of external examinations;
5.14.3. School lunches;
5.14.4. a two-way home-to-school School minibus service in the mornings and afternoons to collect and deliver Students to and from school;
5.14.5. a two-way shuttle minibus service in the mornings and afternoons to collect and deliver Students to and from the Woodside Park Underground or the alternate campus (except where the family have children in both Junior and Senior School campuses.)
5.14.6. music lessons;
5.14.7. extra curricular activities (only some of which incur an additional charge);
5.14.8. compulsory and optional residential trips and some optional day trips. Please note that students who are in arrears in paying school fees must clear these debts before being allowed to book and participate in optional school excursions and trips and any refunds are subject to the terms and conditions for each trip.
5.15. Details of the additional charges listed in clause 5.14 are available upon enquiry at the School.
5.16. The School reserves the right to carry out a credit reference check on the Parent or any guarantor.
6. Languages, EAL and Quest
6.1. The School reserves the right to require a Student to participate in its Quest programme (Special Educational Needs) or English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme where the School considers this necessary to enable the Student to participate successfully in the mainstream curriculum. Such a decision would normally be made after consultation with the Parents either at the time of admission, after internal or external assessment by school-designated specialists of the Student’s needs, or at such time as the School considers reasonable.
6.2. The cost of any external assessments required under clause 6.1 will be borne by the Parents or other fee payer who is designated on the Financial Responsibility Form.
6.3. The School is entitled to require withdrawal of a Student who does not participate in the Quest or EAL programme having been required to do so by the School.
6.4. The Quest and EAL costs are not included in the Fees and an additional charge shall be raised.
6.5. IBMYP and IBDP Languages A and B that are not part of the schools core curriculum, or mother tongue, or other private language classes may be available but the costs of such classes are not included in the Fees. Where there are four or more students of the same level and ability in the same class (IBMYP and IBDP Languages A and B) there will be no charge. Parents are advised to contact the Admissions Office to enquire about languages currently offered at no extra charge. Please enquire about fees at the School.
7. Visas
7.1 All admissions at the School are subject to the Student and accompanying family members having appropriate residency rights or visas that are compliant with UK Border Authority requirements.
8. Events requiring Notice in writing
8.1. Parents must give notice in writing in the circumstances and in the manner described in this clause 7.
8.2. A full Term’s written notice is required from the Parents to the School if Parents wish to cancel their acceptance of an offer to take a place at the School prior to the student commencing their enrolment at the School, or alternatively one Term’s tuition fees will be payable to the School in lieu.
8.3. Once the Student has commenced his/her enrolment at the School, Parents must give one full Term’s written notice before withdrawing the Student from the School or a Term’s fees will be payable in lieu of notice. The School reserves the right to retain the Deposit for enrolments of less than one academic year. There is no refund for any portion of the term in which the student leaves the school.
8.4. For our nursery provision, parents should request any increase in hours of care in writing to the nursery manager, this increase can be implemented as soon as practical, subject to availability/capacity, and will be confirmed in writing by the school. Fees will be charged on a pro rata basis. 12 weeks notice in writing is required to the nursery manager for requests to decrease the hours of care provided. Fees will be charged on a pro-rata basis.
8.5. For students enrolled at the school on the basis of a Student visa and a CAS issued by the school, the school retains any portion of unused tuition fees. This is to discourage families on Student visas terminating their stay prematurely as terminating a CAS is a serious matter for the school.
8.6. Written notice must be sent by electronic e-mail or by letter to the Head of the School (or Director of Admissions) and received by the final day of the penultimate Term the Student will be in the School. See the current Calendar for specific dates. Verbal notice to other staff does not constitute formal written notice.
8.7. If the family’s circumstances change and they wish to withdraw their notice, they must do this in writing (by letter or e-mail) to the Head of School.
8.8. If notice of the withdrawal of a Student is given and the Parents subsequently decide to send their child to the School the following Term, the Application Fee will, at the discretion of the school, become payable again as if the Student is a new student.
8.9. Any waiver of the requirements of this clause 8 will be effective only when written and signed by the Head of the School and if the Head accepts a provisional notice it is valid for only one Term at a time and only if accepted in writing.
9. Removal of a Student
9.1. The School has the right to direct the Parents to permanently remove a Student from the School where, in the reasonable opinion of the Head, it is in the interests of the Student and/or the School including but not limited to such circumstances where:
9.1.1. the relationship between the Parent and the School has broken down;
9.1.2. the Fees are unpaid; or
9.1.3. the Student has been excluded.
9.2. . There will be no refund of Fees for the balance of the Term when such request is made part way through a Term but the Parents will not be liable to pay an additional Term’s Fees in lieu of notice.
9.3. The decision to direct the removal of the Student from the School and the manner and form of any announcement shall be at the sole discretion of the Head and is final. Under no circumstances shall the School be required to divulge to Parents any confidential information or the identities of students or others who have given information which has led to the direction for removal or which the Head has acquired during an investigation.
9.4. A student who has been either temporarily or permanently withdrawn, excluded, suspended or expelled from the School has no right to enter the School premises without written permission of the Head.
10. Recovery of Unpaid Fees
10.1. If for any reason any payment is not made when due the School reserves the right to charge interest at 2% per month on any unpaid Fees including any Fees in respect of which an instalment arrangement has been terminated.
10.2. The Parents or other fee payer as designated on the Financial Responsibility Form shall be responsible for all reasonable costs incurred in the collection of unpaid Fees including the School’s administrative costs and any costs and disbursements incurred with lawyers or debt collection agencies acting on behalf of the School, including but not limited to commission payable to a Debt Collection agency at a charge of 15% plus VAT).
10.3. The School reserves the right to charge an administration fee of £50 for any Fees that are overdue and/or for every cheque that is returned unpaid by the payer’s bank.
11. Special Circumstances
11.1. The Head must be notified in writing immediately of any court orders in relation to the Student including without limitation as to parental responsibility, residence, contact, prohibited steps, specific issues or periodical payments. It is the responsibility of the Parent to inform the Head immediately in writing and by a personal visit in case of urgency if the School is required to take any special precautions for the protection of the Student or if circumstances arise such that any Parent may be unable to pay fees in the future.
11.2. The Parents hereby grant to the Head authority to give consent in loco parentis to the carrying out of any emergency medical treatments or procedures which are certified by a medical practitioner to be necessary to the safety of the Student.
11.3. The Head must be notified in writing of any existing or new medical condition, allergy, disease or illness (especially if Infectious or contagious).
11.4. For the duration of any disease or illness the School will not permit the Student to remain at the School without the consent of the School’s medical advisor.
11.5. The Parent hereby consents to and authorises the Head to authorise a test to be carried out on the Student to identify the presence or otherwise of an illegal or prohibited substance.
11.6. If a Parent or designated guardian will be absent from their given address as notified to the School on the Application Form or as otherwise notified to the School from time to time for more than 48 hours during Term time, the Head of School (copied to the relevant School principal) must be notified in writing of the name, address and telephone number of a guardian resident in the United Kingdom who is acceptable to the Head.
11.7. Parents who have cause for concern in relation to the care, discipline or progress of a Student are directed to the School’s Complaints Procedure available from the Office or on the School’s website.
11.8. The School will enter a Student for an examination only if the Head is satisfied that such entry is in the best interests of the Student.
12. Insurance
12.1. Parents are required to take out adequate insurance cover for the Student’s personal property whilst at the School, or on the way to or from School or on any School sponsored activity away from the School. For Students in the Senior School, the School can arrange personal effects insurance for the Student if required. Details of this and other insurances administered by the School are available from the Office.
12.2. The School does not undertake to provide or maintain any insurance covers beyond those prescribed by law and in no circumstances will the School be constituted agent of the Parents for insurance purposes. Parents must in each case satisfy themselves that the Student has any cover required.
13. Intellectual Property Rights
13.1. The School acknowledges that the copyright in a work of which the Student is the sole author shall vest in the Student.
13.2. The copyright in work produced in collaboration with others where the contributions of each author are not distinct shall be held by the joint authors.
13.3. The School acknowledges the right of the Student to assert his or her rights and generally to be identified as the author of any such work.
13.4. The School shall honour the right of the Student to be named as the inventor in any application for a patent relating to an invention devised solely by the Student and as the joint inventor in any application for a patent relating to an invention devised jointly by the Student and any other person.
13.5. The School may wish to include photographs of Students in publicity and promotional material or educational material produced by the School, subject to the agreement of the Parents.
13.6. For the purposes of this clause 12 the Student and/or Parent indemnifies the School for and against all liabilities arising from an infringement of intellectual property rights belonging to a third party.
13.7 For clauses 13.1-13.6 the Student and family must also accept the Intellectual Property Rights in force with the International Baccalaureate Organisation as set out in the Rules for IB Schools (IBO, October 2014) or any subsequent IBO requirements to which the School must adhere.
13.8 The School reserves the right to require Parents or Students to remove School content or the School name from personal Social Media sites.
14. General Data Protection Regulation 2018
14.1. It is a necessary part of the running of the School that information relating to Students is obtained and collated. This information constitutes personal data for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. The School will handle any such data in accordance with the data protection principles in that Regulation. The Parents and the Student agree to the School maintaining records in accordance with this clause.
15. General Conditions
15.1. If the School fails to insist that Parents or Students perform any of their obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the School does not enforce their rights, or delays in doing so, that will not mean that the School has waived their rights against Parents or Students and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the School does waive a default by you, it will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that the School will automatically waive any later default by you.
15.2. A report on the Student will be sent to the Parents twice each year including information on the progress of a Student and the Student’s character, examination, further education and career prospects and any references will be given in good faith but without liability on the part of the School.
15.3. The School may in its discretion and on such notice (if any) as the School considers reasonable vary any or all of these and any other terms and conditions or policies in place from time to time and the School we will assume that you accept these new amendments unless you contact us in writing within 30 days of the date of any such notice given (if any).
15.4. The School reserves the right to make alterations at any time to the way in which the School is run, to the situation of the School and any part of it and to any aspect of the School without reduction in fees.
15.5. The Published Information contains some details of the School, its history and facilities. Although the contents are believed to be accurate at the time of printing nothing contained in the Published Information shall form part of any Agreement between the School and the Parents or any other person and the Parents confirm that they have not relied on its contents in entering into this Agreement.
15.6. All communication are normally sent via the School’s email accounts and may also be in writing and sent by ordinary pre-paid post or handed personally to the addressee. The postal address of the School is Dwight School London, 6 Friern Barnet Lane, London, N11 3LX or as otherwise notified to the Parents from time to time. The postal address of the Parents or any other person is deemed to be the address given on the Acceptance Form or (if different) the address shown on the School’s Central Record or the last known address of the Parents. It is the responsibility of the Parents to inform the Admissions Office of changes of their postal address, email address and telephone contact information.
15.7. Complaints: The School has a Complaints Policy published on the School website.
15.8. Headings and subheadings are for ease of understanding only and do not form part of these terms and conditions. This document will be construed as a whole in conjunction with the Acceptance Form and Offer Letter.
15.9. These Terms are governed by English law and all parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. However, if you are a resident of Northern Ireland you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland, and if you are a resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedings in Scotland.