Friday, 20th May 2016
Early Years Newsletter

This Week's News from Kindergarten

Dear Parents,

Thank you for joining us for our class assembly - I think you will agree that the children were absolute Super Stars and we were very proud of them.

This week we:

  • received our incubator and 10 eggs on Monday. By Tuesday evening, we welcomed our first chick and the rest were soon to follow.
  • were able to observe the long and difficult process that a chick goes through in order to hatch from an egg. We also were able to show that toys don’t come out of eggs (as one child had predicted).
  • went back to Mrs Cook’s allotment to collect more tadpoles and had a great time exploring the flowers and plants growing. Mrs Cook allowed the children to pick some massive rhubarb stems and the children enjoyed chopping them up in the mud kitchen. We also collected over 60 snails and are caring for them for a few days before we release them.
  • did some counting activities to assess where the children are up to and think about what their next steps are.
  • practised and performed our assembly.
  • learnt about how to hold the chicks carefully and that we need to wash our hands after holding them.

Next week we will:

  • review the sounds s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d and learn the new sounds g and o
  • make posters telling other people how to handle the chicks carefully.
  • name the chicks and spend time petting and handling them and observing the changes that take place as they grow.
  • observe the tadpoles; a few are getting very large and are likely to grow their back legs soon.
  • use a webcam to perform stories using small world toys - we will project them onto the wall so that others can enjoy watching them.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms. Tomlin, Mrs. Voica, Miss. Olver, Mrs. Psaras


This Week's News from Reception

Dear Parents,
This week we have:

  • planted flowers and beans in the garden as they have grown too tall for the classroom.
  • begun to learn to count in twos, discussing lots of examples of where we see things in twos.
  • learnt new sight words ‘my’ and ‘for’ these words are on the keyring.
  • spent time in the garden planting seeds and watering our plants.
  • looked closely at a caterpillar found in the garden and learnt that it could turn into a moth.
  • watched to see when the eggs would hatch.
  • learnt about the lifecycle of a chick.
  • estimated how many objects in a pile, using our knowledge of what 5 and 10 looks like
  • explored natural materials in the construction zone in the garden.  This has included building with bigger materials and hammering nails into pieces of wood.
  • created pictures of chicks choosing our own materials from a selection of resources.
  • discussed how to handle living creatures safely and respectfully.
  • written words linked to the Phase 3 phonics focus sounds using writing frames.
  • practised races in preparation for sports day

Extended Curriculum

  • Look at home for examples of things that come in twos.
  • Practise counting to 10 then 20 in twos.


  • Please ensure reading books and keyrings are returned on Mondays and Wednesdays as we will hear children read on those days (unless on a trip) and change their books
  • Please avoid sending the children into the classroom with toys from home, it can be upsetting when they are mislaid or broken.

Coming Up
  • Sports Day - 9th June at the Dwight School sports field.
  • Trip to Golders Hill Park - June 22nd.

Kind regards,

Mrs. G Weber    Miss C Pitts    Mrs. D Fawbert


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