
Friday, 19th January 2018

Early Years Newsletter

 This week's news from Kindergarten and Reception

Dear Parents,


Outline of our learning this week:
  • Continuing with our new Unit of Inquiry about feelings and emotions, the children experienced a taste test. They tested a number of foods that were sweet, sour, salty and bitter and we talked about the different parts of the tongue that help us recognise these tastes. The children looked in a mirror and noticed the spots on their tongue that help us to taste.
  • We did the Jelly Bean test. Each child had a jelly bean but had to chew it whilst holding their nose at the same time. It was only once we let go of our nose that we could taste the flavour of the bean. We discovered that our nose helps us to taste!
  • Alison continued to teach us yoga and the children are really enjoying this WOW lesson.
  • We started to talk about feelings and signs that help us recognise how we feel. As the children arrive at school, they are choosing a face that represents how they feel that day and they are hanging it on our Feelings Tree.
  • In order to support Maths skills during play, we started to make a Farmer's Market role play area where the children can shop and use number names and money as they play.
  • As our new unit has a focus on feelings, we have started to introduce the children to Zones of Regulation. This is a way to help children identify their feelings and consider ways to make themselves feel better. We started by talking about the red zone - the place where we feel angry, grumpy, scared, over-excited or out of control. It would be interesting to hear if your children reference this at home.
  • Using our senses we explored different vegetables and herbs and have now used these to make our farmers market.

 Learning in Kindergarten:

  • During Phonics we introduced the first sound 'S' and sorted objects beginning with this sound.
  • We played Silly Soup where the children had to make a soup using ingredients that start with the sound 'S'.
  • We read the stories Silly Sally and Swirl by Swirl to listen out for words beginning with 'S'.
  • In order to learn about the letter formation of 'S' we wrote it in a variety of sizes and media.
  • To reinforce numeral recognition we played a bingo game.
  • We counted up to 20 but started at different numbers, not always at 1 - this was quite tricky so is something that you might like to practise at home.
  • The children made playdough birthday cakes and arranged a number of candles in different configurations to total a given number (e.g 3+1, 2+2, 4+0).

  Learning in Reception:

  • In Maths, we have continued to learn about addition and subtraction. This week we were learning to count on in our heads by starting with the biggest number first. For example, when adding 5 and 3, we put 5 in our heads, get 3 fingers ready and then count 5 - 6, 7, 8!
  • Using doubling cups, the children started to recognise what happens when they double a number. The had to choose a number of objects to put in one side of their cup and they had to put the exact same number in the other cup. In order to show them the relationship between adding and subtracting, we then reversed the process by emptying 1 cup - therefore, halving the number.
  • Some of the children have started Phase 3 Phonics so will be moving onto digraphs in the coming weeks.
  • We have introduced a new challenge for the children as they arrive at school which is to read the daily caption. They are doing very well so far!
  • The children wrote simple captions and we paid attention to leaving spaces between words.


  • Show and Tell will continue every Thursday. Please help your child to consider what they want to say to their friends as we had a lot of showing but not much telling this week :)
  • Please make sure your child has a pair of wellies that fit as we spend a lot of time outside or going on walks.


We have been learning about TASTE. Make a poster to show us which tastes you like or dislike. As an extension task, talk to your child about the taste of those foods - for example, are they sweet, salty, bitter or sour?

Dwight School London

6, Friern Barnet Lane. N11 3LX | +44 208 920 0600
