Dwight School Transport Service
Dwight School works in partnership with Zeelo to deliver its transport services.
Zeelo provides home to school bus services for schools across the country, with enhanced DBS checked drivers and services built on technology, including online booking platforms, 24/7 customer support, live vehicle tracking and status notifications for every service. They are carbon neutral which marries with our own school goals connected to sustainability.
There are 3 bus routes available with multiple pick-up locations each day from Maida Vale, Marylebone and Islington. There will be flexible ticket options available including Termly passes where your child is automatically booked onto every journey for the relevant period and 1 day single/return ticket.
Dwight School London is leading the way in sustainable school transport and as such all of our routes are fully electric. We are thrilled and immensely proud to be the first independent school in the UK to have a dedicated fully electric transport service. Such vehicles will help make the world a greener place, and align with our school development goals as well as our commitment to be caring and principled as a school.
Zeelo provides a range of ticket options and prices:
- Single ride tickets - £9.90
- Return ride tickets - £18.00
- Termly passes - £1,020.00
- Annual passes - £2,999.00
- 10 ride flexi bundles - £95.00
- 30 day flexi bundles - £280.00
Shuttle Service
- Termly passes £130.00
- Annual passes £390.00
If you have any questions about the service or for assistance with your booking then you can contact our transport co-ordinator by emailing transport@dwightlondon.org. FAQs from Zeelo can be found here and you contact the Zeelo team directly on their website chat, by emailing customercare@zeelo.co or by calling 0330 808 3306.